Saturday, November 20, 2010

Honeymoon Bay, USVI. 11/20/10

Just another day in paradise.  We spent the day in Honeymoon bay, snorkeling and swimming.  There is a small bar on the beach that Jim and Karen went to for an evening cocktail.  Today we plan to go to Christmas cove, where the snorkeling is supposed to be very good. 


  1. Sounds like a great time. I wish I was there with you guys! Glad you made it safe and sound. Looking forward to seeing some of your pictures!

  2. Dave, those of us stuck back north are dying to hear more. How'd you manage the 40 kt winds? pass the time during the trip? duck flying fish? Was the wind pattern normal for this time of year? What can you expect on the return trip.

    Don't get sunburned

