Sunday, September 26, 2010

9-26-10 Port Colborne, Canada

Dunkirk, NY behind us.

Canada ahead

The crew preparing the bumpers for the big boat locks.

The first lift bridge before entering the locks.

Our competition for the locks tomorrow.

A fast joy ride life boat for the crew on this ship.  Easy and fast to release, but quite a drop to the water.

A cook-out on the dock with a picnic table.  Sugarloaf Marina is very nice.

Another beautiful sunset to a great day.
The sailed today from Dunkirk, NY to Port Colborne, Canada with light winds.  Checking in with customs was just a toll free phone call to Canadian Customs at a phone in the marina.  They wanted to know the boat name, registration numbers, length, width, make and model, HID #, and our personal information on our passports.  As you can see my camera was working overtime today.  Tomorrow we start through the Welland Canal that will take us into Lake Ontario.  We thought this would be better than taking the Niagara river and going over the falls. 


  1. Funny dad. You crack me up. Love the pictures. Just beautiful. Hope you are having a wonderful time. From the looks of it, you are!

  2. Hi Dear,
    I miss you. Call me!
    Love, Nicki
