Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Across the Saginaw Bay to Harbor Beach,9-15-10

We made it to the next port of Harbor Beach, MI.  The marina had bicycles that we used to go to town.  We were in the town close to the Detroit Tigers, thus the tiger drinking fountain that tried to get me.  Jim an Kyle looked for some local pool players to get in a game for money, but alas no one would take them on.  Probably because there were only two other people in the bar.  They got to play for free since someone was there re-felting the table. 
Yesterday I forgot to mention that we were sailing along at 6 to 7 knot and came up on some short orange flags on the water just in front of us.  We turned the boat 90 degrees immediately and went parallel with them.  There was a string of 4 flags in a row about 100 feet apart. We could see the top of a net and floating milk containers in between the flags.  The night before the harbormaster was telling us that earlier this year a power boat ran into a net that pulled the stern of the boat down and sank it.  One of the men swam to shore and the other was rescued after holding on to a floating cooler for about 8 hours. 

1 comment:

  1. Whoa! That is crazy about the fishing nets. Side note, I know where I get my quirkiness from because I would have been the one to stick my head in the lions mouth too! Laugh out loud. Love you Dad! Amber
